All Sorts


All Sorts would like to thank those below for all the continued support

Worcester Municipal Charities (CIO), The National Lottery Community Fund, The Bransford Trust, Councillor Jenny Barnes, Councillor Matthew Jenkins,  Councillor Lynn Denham, Battenhall, Councillor Elaine Willmore and Nunnery Safer Neighbourhood Team, Parents of All Sorts, All Sorts Class mentors, The Teaching Team, Volunteers of All Sorts, Worcester Observer, Worcester News, BBC Hereford and Worcester, Crowle School, Worcester City Council, Worcester County Council, Community Solutions Fund, Worcester University, ASDA, Worcestershire HAF Program, Woodward Charitable trust Caz & Richard Fidoe, Worcester Carnival, St Peters Festival, Kilbury flowers, National Performing Arts Alliance, C&T & Severn Arts.,